“Come-from-Aways” in Lightspeed Magazine

My short story “Come-from-Aways” is in the current issue of Lightspeed Magazine (in fabulous company, too!). It’s a science fiction story loosely based on the Shag Harbour UFO incident and inspired by the landscape and communities of Southwest Nova Scotia. You can read it today by buying the issue (or subscribing – Lighstpeed is an amazing magazine). It’ll also be available online for free on March 28th.

For a limited time, you can get a free 3-month subscription.

So You Want to Write Science Fiction

I’ll be teaching a workshop on science fiction on February 28th at the Writers’ Federation in Halifax. Dalhousie University Professor Jason Haslam will give some history and theory of the genre, and I’ll be giving advice on writing and publishing sci-fi stories. Anyone who’s interested in writing spec fic is welcome. Visit the Writer’s Federation of Nova Scotia to sign up.